Strength training

Why is strength training so important and what health benefits can it have?

The benefits of strength training go beyond being able to pick up something heavy and put it back down. The activity is profoundly beneficial and can reduce injury risk in several ways.

Read on to learn how resistance training impacts the body and keeps trauma at bay.

Understanding the Impact of Strength Training

Strength training is a fundamental approach that improves overall physical health and resilience.

At its core, strength training provides significant physical stress, forcing the body to adapt, so it can more effectively handle the same stress in the future. Sure, that means your muscles get bigger and stronger, but the benefits run far deeper than just that. Let’s review what some of them are.

5 Ways in Which Strength Training Reduces the Injury Risk

1. Increased Bone Mineral Density

Just as weight training develops your muscles, it also strengthens your bones. Mineral density refers to the amounts of minerals, primarily calcium and phosphorus, found per unit of bone mass.

This measure is essential for estimating the health and strength of bones and could be useful in determining the risk of osteoporosis later in life .

Improvements in mineral density translate to more resilient bones that are less likely to suffer a fracture.

2. Improves Muscle Balance

Muscle balance is a crucial but often ignored aspect of overall health and physical well-being. It refers to the equilibrium between opposing (agonist-antagonist) muscles and the balance between the left and right sides of the body.

Most people favor one side of their body for everyday activities, gradually leading to imbalances that can affect posture and motor patterns.

Strength training attempts to fix such imbalances by giving all major muscle groups equal attention. As a result, agonist-antagonist muscles become equally strong, and side-to-side imbalances become less noticeable.

3. Aids Joint Health and Stability

Joints are the pivotal points in the body that allow movement between bones. They are essential for movement and bear significant responsibilities, ensuring smooth and coordinated motions as we tackle everyday tasks.

Resistance training promotes joint health and improves stability by strengthening the surrounding muscles, promoting synovial fluid production (the viscous fluid that reduces joint friction), and making connective tissues more resilient.

4. Allows Freedom of Movement

While most people associate static stretching with mobility, strength training is also an effective way to enhance your freedom of movement.

Weight training can improve muscle flexibility (the ability to lengthen passively), promote stability, and even improve joint range of motion. These things result in better mobility and a lower risk of acute injuries like pulled or torn muscles.

5. Supports Posture and Spinal Health

Another huge way in which strength training can reduce injury risk is by improving your posture and promoting spinal health.

Weight training strengthens all the muscles in the posterior chain––from the trapezius in the upper back to the calves in the lower legs. Many of these muscles are necessary for proper posture and the prevention of rolled shoulders.

Additionally, a stronger erector spinae (a group of muscles running along both sides of the spine) and midsection (abs, obliques, etc.) promote spinal health and stability, reducing the risk of acute injuries and chronic lower back pain.

Final Words.

The above are five of the most prominent benefits of strength training that reduce injury risk in the long run.

In addition to building muscular strength, subjecting your body to physical stress improves bone mineral density, joint stability, mobility, posture, and spinal health.

Get in touch today to discuss how you can start to implement strength training into your lifestyle!

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