Online Personal Training

Option 1

Your 12 Week Transformation

Step 1:

  • Goal setting
  • Healthy habit implementation
  • Mindset prep

Step 2:

Online consultation included upon sign up.

  • Movement assessments
  • Mobility and strength assessments

Step 3:

Your bespoke plan is designed and monitored by your own individual coach.

  • Access to pre recorded videos for each exercise on your plan
  • Technique feedback via video with your personalised coach
  • Bespoke plan suited to your schedule and goals
  • Gym/ home plans available

Step 4:

End of plan report and feedback.

From £150 a week

Option 2

Personal Training

Work out on your own time. Online training is super time efficient for busy mums and professionals worldwide, cutting out travel time.

The coaches at Lean Wellness have worked with many CEOs and business professionals who travel for work and need a PT who they trust by their side, wherever they are. We have trained clients from hotel rooms, gyms, corporate settings and home.

Your choice of location- Online training is so flexible you can actually train from anywhere in the world. We conduct online virtual sessions via Zoom and Google Meet.

Suitable for pre and post natal clients.

Get connected to your trainer at a time that suits you then log off and get back to your busy schedule immediately.

Minimal equipment needed – your trainer can adapt your session to suit your environment and what equipment you have access to.

Train with multiple PTs – at Lean Wellness we can give you access to more than one trainer to add variety to your workouts. You can consult with one trainer more regularly, choose to stick to one or use multiple trainers to suit you. Our team of experts can guide you in multiple areas.

From £120 a month

What you will get

  • Live 1-1 training (optional extra)

  • Elite online personal trainers

  • Optional app based home training sessions with video demonstrations

“I can keep up with training without going to the gym which I find time consuming with children and a company to run”

Barnet – Virtual Client

Get started today

Get started today